Volunteer FAQs

To volunteer at the 2023 Avenues Street Fair, we will open up the Volunteer sign up portal soon.  In the meantime, save the date, Saturday, September 9, 2023! 

Street Fair Volunteering Q and A

How long would I be needed?
Volunteers are usually needed for 2-hour blocks on the day of the Fair. The Fair runs from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., however we start setup at 6:30 a.m. that day, with lots to do to open the event at 9:00 a.m. We also meet the night before to begin layong out the street, placing barricades, chalking the booth spaces on the street, from 5 to 8pm.  We also have planning meetings starting March 11, leading up to the Fair in September. 

Are there benefits to volunteering?
Yes, besides getting an Avenues Volunteer hat and snacks at the GACC Booth, you get to meet your neighbors and have a sense of satisfaction in helping out with this amazing event!

If I have trouble lifting heavy things, can I still help out?
Yes, there are many positions where this is not critical.

If I have some special expertise, would you like to know about it?
YES! Please. We are always looking for people with special talents as well as those who can fit in anywhere.  We especially need graphics arts, publicity, electrical, event planning, advertising and publicity assistance. 

How do I volunteer? 

We have many volunteer jobs to fill, especially on the day of the Fair. 
The link to our volunteer sign up page shoing all the assignments is here Volunteer Signup or click on the QR code below.


More in this category: Volunteer Application